Filtering by Tag: thoughts

slightly larger, slightly chaotic

Added on by Jovanni Luna.

the past few weeks i have been working on creating several large sheets of paint in order increase the scale of my sculptural paintings or painterly sculpture, it works both ways. as well as producing ideas for several prints, that include both imagery and text or just text after I realized I was getting too complicated. 


a measurement of time

Added on by Jovanni Luna.

rain, water, dropping, dripping, sweating, all mixed together, united but separate, salty, not solid but liquid, more water, not falling but drinking. im running, well more like jogging, im getting closer, kings of leon, kings of summer, emperor, pharaoh, control, controlling myself, becoming calm, relaxing, resting, sounds, only sounds around me in sync to create a melody, songs, story, its all just sounds. the sound of my voice, my voice to speak, to speak, to obey a command, a pet, a dog barks, a tree barks, no it has bark, tree of life, its rings, a ring, a commitment or promise, possibly a reward, simplicity of a ring an infinite loop. forever. is that a measurement of time?

brain what are you thinking

Added on by Jovanni Luna.

squares, white, blue, grid, no grid, thoughtless, procrastination, movie, music, texture, peeled, scratched, smooth, rough, leftovers, piles, lines, cardboard, box cutter, no box cutter blade, broken blade, careful there is glass on the sheet, paint sheet, should i be painting another layer, oh yeah layers, levels, dimensions, possibilities, universes, science, math, geometry, geography, maps, world cup, brazil, hot, hot chocolate, yes hot chocolate, back to the squares, what do they mean, hopefully more than just procrastination.
