
Added on by Jovanni Luna.

something to try

create a simple design or pick a shape, set up rules for the repetition(can only touch one other piece, has to increase in size, limited time or quantity, anything works) 

repeat the pattern until you decide that its done

this has led to final products that i had not even imagined at the beginning, and ideas for future pieces


a new kind

Added on by Jovanni Luna.

unlike the rest of the site, this will be informal and updated more frequently

its a way for me and everyone else to visually see what my mind is thinking in the form of sketches, thoughts, ideas, inspirations, and progress updates on current projects

it could get chaotic and confusing, with consecutive posts being unrelated at times, or by having very long, repetitive, unstructured sentences, that seem to keep going in circles, but are just trying to convey thoughts through a stream of conscious way